Wednesday, 2 May 2007


hi team!

just a short one today. i've had a bit going on the last couple of days so i've been struggling for time to check in - it amazes me how desperate i am to find out what everyone's been up to though!

some things i'm loving:
  • the glorious sunshine
  • this mark ronson track - can't get enough! set me free why don't you la la
  • all of the lovely comments on my last post - my head is now far too big! thanks guys, i really appreciate you taking the time to say nice things......or anything at all for that matter. xx
  • these funky shopping bags - oh unicorn, please decide to start selling them online, i don't live anywhere near manchester + i really, really want one some.
  • this pretty bike basket. which might just convince me to make more use of mine. find it at design house stockholm

bike basket

  • this post from ali, which really made me smile - not sure if i'm ready to join in with the confessions just yet......maybe in a little while, but don't hold your breaths!


1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm totally with you on that Mark Ronson song. Love it.
Go on post your confessions! It's kind of refreshing.
I've added you to my blogroll. Have a fab weekend :)