Friday 27 April 2007


i've just discovered the egg press website + i think i'm in love!

my favourites -
  • let's stitch frank - a dog called frank that you stitch yourself, what could be better than that!?! first of all, i love that he's called frank (it's totally in keeping with my belief that boy dogs should be called real names - i.e. steve, barry, ian, get the idea!) + secondly, he's really, really cute. check out the hoots + scoots kits too, they're fab.
  • this beautiful letterpress 'love tree' card, which comes with a fantastic woodgrain patterned envelope. i think i'll have to buy one to frame-up - it's so pretty + i can imagine it hanging in my hallway making me smile every time i pass!
  • the sweet collection of cards - the cupcake + sunshine designs in particular tickle my fancy!

the best thing about egg press is......they have 2 stockists in london! Yippee! addresses have been noted + a visit is definitely on the cards sometime soon.

another great print-themed find for me today was sugarloop. bernadette is an illustrator from aukland, nz + you can buy her beautiful prints here +
here. i'm really taken with the style of her work + this design in particular - i absolutely love it, but unfortunately the last one was sold a couple of days ago. not to worry, there are plenty more lovelies to choose from!

happy browsing!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic find with Egg Press- I love their selection a lot.